Monday, June 3, 2013

Pillar 10 in Real Life …Sow abundantly, and you will reap abundantly!

By M. Russell Thomas, PhD

Its been 7 years since first committing the 12 pillars and prayer to memory.  Throughout that 7 years I have enjoyed numerous in vivo, or “real life” experiences that bring a specific Pillar to new understanding.  It’s an energizing moment when it happens and the words of scripture live in a practical way.  Recently, Karen & I had one of those in vivo experiences involving Pillar 10.
Pillar 10 (II Corinthians 9:6) says that if with sow our seeds in life sparingly we will also reap from life sparingly.  Conversely, if we sow our seed abundantly we will also reap abundantly.  The Pillar goes on to say that we determine what kind of sower we will be and with what kind of attitude we will cast our seed.  There are basically 3 types of givers we will become:  a cheerful giver, a begrudging giver or a withholding giver.  The choice is ours.

The seed to sow or give is given to us.  Most of us in Western culture think of giving only in terms of dollars and cents but I think its much more comprehensive than that.  Life provides us all types of seed to sow and give.  While it may be literally money, it may also be patience at the checkout line or grace when offended.  It may be a home to the orphan or clothes to the homeless.  Tithes and offerings in ancient days often involved the giving of produce or livestock, or even perfume, all of which represent a portion of one’s labor.  Whatever is given, it is clear that giving involves a heart and lifestyle verses an actual percentage or dollar amount.  Thus the words of Pillar 10…let each one give as he has determined in his heart to do. 
Pillar 10 connects the dots for us that there is a correlation between how you give and how you receive back into your life from that giving.  That brings me to our recent in vivo teaching.  Karen & I have several dozen free range chickens that roam our backyard each day.  They serve two purposes:  to eat bugs and to supply us with the most vibrant, flavorful eggs one could ever ask for! 

Recently the gals had been slacking off.  Generally, we were gathering less than half the eggs we usually received each day. While still producing enough for our immediate family, we were somewhat concerned about the lower production because we like to distribute the eggs to our older children.   Our oldest daughter and her husband had come to visit and in spite of the reduction of eggs, Karen loaded them up with 6 dozen eggs as they left to return home.  We were happy to do it and did so without hesitation. 
What happened next reminded us clearly of Pillar 10 and how these pillars are foundational for living life well.  The days following Karen’s giving saw the chickens’ egg production jump way, way up.  Generally they were laying about twice what they had been!  The principle is clear:  give abundantly and receive abundantly if your heart is set on being a giver.  We weren’t playing Heavenly Slot Machine and reminding God that we did so He must…, but rather, we were simply trying to bless our daughter and her husband with something good and in the process God reminded us that living life giving freely has its rewards. 

As I reflect on this story, I am reminded that there are foundational truths in this world.  In spite of all the changing ideas and philosophies in our world, God has set in motion a set of simple solutions 4 living life well!  They are as sure as gravity and more trustworthy than the laws of physics.  They guide us to a rich, successful and abundant life!
For more about the 12 Pillars and a Prayer and how they offer a firm foundation for your financial success and wealth, visit us at  Until we talk again…

I pray that you prosper and are in good health even as your soul prospers!